Tenant support fund

Supporting you through the current financial pressures is important to us. That’s why we offer the Tenant Support Fund.

The fund is a limited amount of money that Habinteg sets aside to support tenants who are experiencing extreme hardship.

What is the fund for?

As well as white goods and furniture (such as fridge freezers, beds, mattresses, cookers and dining tables), tenants with an urgent need can apply for help to buy:

  • School uniform
  • School shoes
  • Job interview essentials
  • New job starter essentials.

How do I apply for the fund?

Speak to your Neighbourhood Coordinator about applying for the fund. They'll ask you about what you need to buy and will need information about your financial circumstances to include in your application.

If you’re not sure who your Neighbourhood Coordinator is, contact our Customer Services Team on 0300 365 3100 or email direct@habinteg.org.uk for help.

Most applications and reviewed and approved within 5 working days.

Other support available

If you're struggling with your money, find out how Habinteg's Rent Assist Team can support you with accessing other funds, benefit checks and repayments.