Talk to us 0300 365 3100

Talk to us 0300 365 3100
Talk to us 0300 365 3100
Every Habinteg tenant deserves a safe, comfortable, and high-quality home.
We work hard to provide great service, and most of our tenants are happy with their homes. But sometimes, we don’t get things right. When that happens, we listen, learn, and make improvements.
On this page, you'll find information about how we've handled complaints and the steps we've taken to improve our service for you.
Our complaint process is here to support tenants who feel we haven’t met their expectations. While we always aim to fix issues before they become complaints, we encourage tenants to speak up if something isn’t right.
We're part of the Housing Ombudsman Service, an independent organisation that reviews complaints if a customer is still unhappy after going through our process.
We work closely with the Ombudsman and use their feedback to make our services better.
Below, you’ll find a summary of our 2024/25 Complaints Board report.pdf 314KB.
To improve our approach to handling complaints, we've committed to:
Repairs was the leading category making up most of all complaints, with 36 repair related service requests received in Q1 and Q2 out of a total of 52 (70%).
Tenants’ lived experiences are at the heart of Habinteg. We want to make sure that tenants’ have the chance to influence our services and policies. We want you to feel valued, listened to, and be confident that we’re acting on your views.
We’ve created many ways for you to share your views on how we’re performing and where you think we need to improve.
Here are some tenant engagement highlights:
Find out how you can get involved and share your views on our services and performance.