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Talk to us 0300 365 3100
Talk to us 0300 365 3100
Having an accessible home that is right for the needs of the people who live there can be transformative. Here is a selection of our tenants sharing their stories of how their accessible home has improved their life.
I moved to a wheelchair-adapted Habinteg flat in Houghton Regis. I was living with family in London before this flat came up, but now I can live independently. However, I didn’t have all the key pieces of furniture, including a washing machine... until a friend told me about Habinteg's White Goods & Furniture Fund for tenants.
I moved to a wheelchair accessible bungalow in Raynville Crescent from a medium-sized housing estate in Leeds. I was on Leeds City Council’s housing list for five months, my application was a priority due to ill health. I’m a pensioner with multiple sclerosis and I live on my own. The estate was quite outdated and it was difficult to get out of my front door.
Petula Bone, a keen gardener who has moved into Habinteg’s latest scheme in Rawcliffe Grove, Hull, is now able to use her green fingers for the first time in ten years thanks to her brand new wheelchair accessible home. Steps at her previous home meant Mrs Bone, a wheelchair user, could not get to her garden. Her new home, which she shares with her husband, is a wheelchair accessible bungalow fit for her mobility needs.