Tenant involvement

Tenant involvement

Our next Tenant Listening Events for each of our six regions will be running this autumn.

Each Listening Event will combine Local Tenant Representatives, Neighbourhood Managers, and Senior Contractor Surveyors. A named board member will also be linked to each Tenant Listening Event.

Our Listening Events will review Habinteg’s performance and identify the priorities for improvement for their region. To help them, they will have access to data from satisfaction surveys, complaints & compliments, listening events and key performance indicators.

The events will ensure that tenants’ views are reflected in the way Habinteg designs and delivers services at a regional level. If you're a Habinteg tenant and wish to register, please email customerengagement@habinteg.org.uk or call Habinteg Direct on 0300 365 3100 for assistance.

Get involved

Tenant involvement is about tenants helping to shape our services and performance. Tenants can influence the way that Habinteg delivers housing and related services through feedback, scrutiny and partnership or joint working.

We want to make sure that your voice is heard throughout the organisation and that you have the chance to influence our services and policies. We want you to feel valued, listened to, and be confident that we’re acting on your views.

Discover the many ways you can have your say and get involved in your neighbourhood by taking up one of our tenant involvement roles.

Involvement opportunities arise regularly but are affected by external factors such as responding to changes in legislation. These factors can dictate the type of involvement we offer to our tenants, how we offer it and how much time we provide for responses to this.

What's the purpose of tenant involvement and why get involved?

Tenant involvement helps us to:

  • Gather feedback from tenants on their experience of using services and their opinion on the quality of the services
  • Enable tenants to influence how those services are delivered by involvement in service reviews and contractor reviews
  • Enable tenants to contribute towards setting standards for service delivery.

There are lots of good reasons to get involved:

  • Improve areas of our service that you feel could benefit you and your neighbourhood
  • Be the first to know anything new happening on your scheme and how you can influence this
  • Work with us to improve your quality of life and strengthen your community spirit
  • Attend meetings and events with expenses paid, meet our staff
  • Get some valuable training that can add value to your CV.

How can you apply?

We encourage all tenants to take a look at the available tenant roles below and, if you're interested, please register your interest. You can also email  customerengagement@habinteg.org.uk  or call the team on 0113 285 9363 to discuss the roles.

Local Tenant Representative

Our Local Tenant Representative role is for anyone who wants to work with their local community. You will represent tenants within your scheme, or community, providing the most important link between tenants and Habinteg.

Local Tenant Representatives will inform, influence, and scrutinise the day-to-day business decisions and policies that affect tenants, advocating for the views of tenants in their community and representing the interests of tenants as a whole.

They won’t be advocating for individual tenants, but they will attend Regional Tenant Forums.

Editorial Panel

The Editorial Panel is a long-standing group that supports and influences our tenant communications including printed materials, website, and social media content.

They also generate ideas for Update (Newsletter for tenants) and oversee the Annual Report to Tenants. 

Complaints Panel Pool

Another very important role where training is provided this pool is on hand to take part in Stage Two Complaints. (The final stage of Habinteg’s complaints process.)

This role will involve preparing for the meeting by reading a pack, formulating questions, and asking questions of the tenant and the investigating member of Habinteg staff. 

The role also involves decision-making and making final recommendations.

Staff Interview Panel Pool

This is an important role whenever the need arises. For key staff appointments, we will invite members of this pool to join an interview panel.

You will be trained for this role which will involve asking questions as part of a formal interview process for stage one or stage two interviews in your area.

Scrutiny Panel

If you‘re a detail person or like working with targets and data, this one might be for you.

The Scrutiny Panel examines how well Habinteg delivers its services, working on an annual plan of specific topics.

They will be asked to focus on those services that are underperforming or where there is poor tenant satisfaction. Their reports drive a programme of service improvement.

Tenant Listening Events

We have created six Tenant Listening Events:

  • North London
  • Central and East
  • South London and South East
  • South West
  • West Midlands, North West and North East
  • Yorkshire and Humberside

Each Listening Event will combine Local Tenant Representatives, Neighbourhood Managers, and Senior Contractor Surveyors. A named board member will also be linked to each Tenant Listening Event.

Listening Events will review Habinteg’s performance and identify the priorities for improvement for their region. To help them, they will have access to data from satisfaction surveys, complaints & compliments, listening events and key performance indicators.

The events will ensure that tenants’ views are reflected in the way Habinteg designs and delivers services at a regional level.

We are holding our next meetings across April and May 2024. If you wish to register please email customerengagement@habinteg.org.uk or call Habinteg Direct on 0300 365 3100 for assistance.

Task & Finish Groups

The purpose of these groups is to enable tenants to be part of shaping any detailed work on service improvement, reviewing policies and procedures, or other aspects of service improvement including procurement of national contracts.

When we form a new Task and Finish Group, we will advertise for members.

Joint Strategy and Impact Group (JSIG)

Probably the most influential group, meeting at least four times a year Members of the JSIG are recruited from the other tenant groups.

This group ensures that tenants’ experiences influence the way we design and deliver services for the future.

Tenants and Board members will be working together to gather insight from the wider tenant base and acting on the insight they receive through other activities to influence Habinteg.