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Talk to us 0300 365 3100
This website makes every effort to produce content that conforms to Level AA of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 released in 2018.
The pages on this site are produced by VerseOne CMS v5 using Accessibility-audited structured view files generated by server side code, with data drawn from an industry-standard relational database.
Authored content (provided by a team of Habinteg officers) is created in an editor that forces clean HTML5 output and using a DDA Checker that provides guidance for compliance with WCAG 2.1.
For further information, please contact
All pages include a search box and a mega menu. An expanding, nested side menu is provided across all of the site. Some sections of the site also have links of the previous/up/next style at the page foot (some non-graphical browsers also display these at the top of the page), and some have alternative or deeper navigation links in the right side-bar.
A breadcrumb trail has been provided across the site to show the section and page the user is on within the site. There is an automatically generated site map and a link to this appears on every page. Our authoring policy is to use the "title" attribute on links to describe the target page, as well as to ensure that, wherever possible, links are written to make sense out of context.
All content images used include descriptive "alt" attributes. Purely decorative graphics only appear in the stylesheets and will not be picked up in a screenreader.
The site layout involves a selection of layouts, all of which are rendered in pure HTML and CSS, without any recourse to tables. Background, text and link colours are controlled within the stylesheet and therefore may be overridden by altering your browser settings.
This site uses relative font sizes, compatible with the user-specified "text size" option in visual browsers. For example, if you are using Internet Explorer, you can make your default text size larger under the "View" menu, "Text Size", "Larger" (or "Largest").
If your browser or browsing device does not support stylesheets at all, the content of each page is still readable in a logical sequence.
Pages should validate as XHTML 1.0 Strict, except where noted below. The templates use Cascading Style Sheets which can be read by CSS-P compliant and non-compliant browsers. These pages meet the checkpoints of the Web Accessibility Initiative's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines to Level-A standards, as well as Levels AA and AAA where possible. All pages use structured semantic markup. The numbered statements below relate to specific WCAG checkpoints.