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Talk to us 0300 365 3100
Talk to us 0300 365 3100
Did you know that the average UK household uses around 142 litres of water per person, per day? This could cost you up to £473 a year on your water bill.
Unlike other utilities, water providers can't be switched, but there are still ways to save.
Reduce water use
You should start by checking for leaks around your home. Even a small drip from a tap can waste hundreds of litres of water each year. One in three Brits leave the tap running while brushing teeth or washing dishes. Turning it off could save you up to £37 a year.
How about taking shorter showers? It seems it’s easier said than done. Almost half of British people admit to showering longer than needed. Reduce your showers from eight minutes to five, and you could save up to £61 a year.
When making tea or coffee, do you overfill the kettle? We all do it, but we really only need to boil the amount of water we’ll actually use.
Using appliances efficiently is another way to save water. Only run your washing machine or dishwasher with a full load and choose eco or water-saving settings when you can. Meanwhile, if your appliances are old, think about upgrading to more water-efficient ones to save even more.
For households with outdoor spaces, try getting into the habit of collecting and reusing water. You can use a water butt to gather rainwater for your plants or reuse water from washing vegetables to water your garden.
And if you don’t have one yet, think about installing a water meter. This can help smaller households save money, as you’ll only pay for the water you’ve actually used.
Help with your bill
If you’re struggling with your water bill, it’s always worth checking to see if you are eligible for more support.
Many water companies offer social tariffs, which are discounts for customers on low incomes or benefits, to help make bills more affordable. For more details, visit Citizens Advice.
You can also check if you can get your water company’s social tariff on the Consumer Council for Water (CCW) website. The CCW is an independent organisation that helps people who have problems with their water supplier.
For more information on managing utility bills or finding support, visit out health and safety support hub. And if you do notice any leaks, report it to our Customer Services Team at Habinteg Direct on 0300 365 3100 or email
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