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We’ve had some warm weather recently, which means keeping our homes cool has been a challenge on some days.
However, did you know that opening your windows strategically can be a simple yet effective way to not only achieve a comfortable temperature in your home, but also help to prevent damp and mould growth?
Well it can, and here’s how.
The stack effect
Imagine your home as a chimney. Warm air naturally rises. But by opening windows on opposite sides of your house, you create a stack effect: cooler air is drawn in through the lower windows, pushing warm air out through the higher ones.
This circulation keeps your home feeling fresh and prevents heat from building up.
Here's how to do it
If you live in a flat, you can create cross ventilation by opening windows and doors at the opposite ends of your home. If you have a clear path for the air to flow (e.g. no large pieces of furniture in the way to slow it down), this will increase its effectiveness. Use a fan to enhance breeze. This BBC article has more details.
Fresh air, happier home
By promoting healthy air circulation, you're not just keeping cool, you're also preventing damp and mould growth.
Mould thrives in stagnant, humid environments. Proper ventilation helps remove moisture from the air, creating a healthier living space for you and your family.
To support airflow:
More advice
Habinteg is committed to helping you live comfortably in your home. For more simple information on ways to keep your house cool in summer, take a look at these videos:
Should you open your windows on a hot day:
Best fan placement in a house:
How to keep your house cool in summer without air conditioning: