Keeping you safe in the event of a fire | Tenant news

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Keeping you safe in the event of a fire

Fire safety legislation called the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order, came into play in England and Wales in 2005.

What does the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order cover?
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order places the responsibility for fire risk assessments on the owner or manager of properties depending on what they are used for.

How does this affect Habinteg?
The fire safety regulation states that as your landlord we are responsible for undertaking fire risk assessments on blocks of flats with internal communal areas, community rooms, homes of multiple occupation and offices.

What the fire risk assessment covers
The fire risk assessments for Habinteg’s blocks of flats looks at the common areas, plant rooms and all areas up to and including the tenants flat door. The aims of our fire risk assessment are:

  • to identify the fire hazards;

  • to reduce the risk to as low as reasonably practicable; and

  • to decide what physical fire precautions and management arrangements are necessary to ensure the safety of people in the premises if a fire does start.

Fire risk assessment for tenants with mobility needs
We also completed a number of specific fire risk assessments, for those with mobility needs. The aims of these assessments were to determine whether a full evacuation or delayed evacuation would be needed in the event of a fire.

What we have done
Following these risk assessments, a large amount of work was done to improve the standards of fire protection that allowed for a delayed evacuation to be put in place. We have ensured that each block of flats had a fire emergency evacuation plan with details on what needed to be done in the event of a fire.

Fire risk assessments 2019 and beyond
Habinteg continues to review its fire risk assessments annually and will take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of our tenant. A number of fire risk assessments were carried out in 2019, and Habinteg has an annual programme of smoke detector checks.

For more information about our Fire Risk Assessment, please contact Habinteg Direct on 0300 365 3100 or

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