Get to know your Neighbourhood Team: Tony Ajeh | Tenant news

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Get to know your Neighbourhood Team: Tony Ajeh

Tony Ajeh (below right) is our Neighbourhood Coordinator for Nunhead, Bermondsey and Lewisham. We bet you’ll never guess where he dreams about travelling to if he was given a bonus day off, what his favourite takeaway is, and the strangest thing he’s been asked by a tenant. Read on to find out.

How would you explain your job in 30 words?
Very much varied as we cover a lot of aspects ranging from customer welfare calls to managing contractors.

Tony AjehWhat’s the best thing about your job?  Every day is different and the knowledge that you are helping someone even if just the one.

What’s the best thing about working on your scheme?
The personal interaction.

How many tenants do you talk t o in a day?
Given the areas that I’m involved I will say, it’s a minimum of 20 people.

What’s the strangest thing you’ve been asked by a tenant?
If I could become their carer.

What’s the nicest thing that’s happened to you on scheme?
Just someone saying ‘thank you’.

What’s the most unexpected thing that’s happened to you on scheme?
Someone invited me to lunch!

If you had to be CEO of Habinteg/ your scheme for one week, name three things you’d do?

  • Explore the possibility of getting more practical help for tenants with severe needs
  • Explore the possibility of making repairs inhouse
  • Make provision for more scheme presence.

If you could bring all the tenants of your scheme together in one place and ask one thing, what would you ask?

Give me one suggestion for what we can do better or improve on?

What’s your favourite Friday night takeaway: fish & chips, Chinese food or a curry?
Probably fish and chips.

You’ve got a bonus holiday for being a great Neighbourhood Manager/Coordinator – how do you spend it?
I’d go to Scotland because it’s beautiful and I’d love to explore the scenery.

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