Talk to us 0300 365 3100

Talk to us 0300 365 3100
Talk to us 0300 365 3100
Adaptations are changes you can make in your home to improve safety, help with your mobility and help you live more independently.
They might be a small aid such as a grab rail fitted in your bathroom or a larger adaptation such as a stair lift or level access shower.
Habinteg can carry out some adaptations, while others may need to be requested by an occupational therapist.
What’s Habinteg’s adaptations service?
Habinteg’s adaptations service helps you decide what adaptations you may need and how to get them. This may include applying for grants, referring you to other services or funding the adaptations ourselves.
What's a minor adaptation?
Minor adaptations are adaptations up to a value of £1,000 per tenancy and are usually wholly funded by Habinteg.
You’re best placed to identify what your needs are, and you may already have an idea about what type of adaptation you need.
If you’re unsure about what you need or how to get it, please speak to your Neighbourhood Team or call our Customer Services Team on 0300 365 3100 to get help.
Who can apply?
All Habinteg tenants and permanent members of their household who have a long-term condition, are struggling with everyday activities at home can apply for an adaptation.
All requests for adaptations will be assessed and considered on an individual basis. There is no requirement to meet a minimum length of tenancy before you can apply.
What's a major adaptation?
Major adaptations are those that cost more than £1,000 and they are usually funded through a Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) which is means tested. This is applied for via your local authority and will usually require an occupational housing specialist assessment.
For more information on our adaptations service, go to our webpage for our adaptations service guide.