Friendly reminder: stay on top of your rent | Tenant news

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Friendly reminder: stay on top of your rent

The holiday period around Christmas is traditionally a time to take a break, get together and share presents with family and loved ones – but it can also wage a war on our wallets.

While the pandemic may change the way we celebrate Christmas this year, for many households the financial burden of the season may still impact our ability to pay key bills over the holiday period and into 2021.

Please remember to make your rent payments over the Christmas period to ensure you don’t get into rent arrears.

If you’re already in arrears, please don’t put your home at risk by missing more payments this Christmas. Habinteg is here to help, so if you have any concerns about paying your rent, please speak to our Income Recovery team on 0300 365 3100.

Want to view your rent balance?

If you’d like up-to-date information about your rent balance, you can view it online by visiting

Need financial help?

If you’re struggling to pay your rent or bills, or had your income affected by Covid-19, here are a few places places you could contact for financial support.

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