Talk to us 0300 365 3100

Talk to us 0300 365 3100
Talk to us 0300 365 3100
We have been appalled to see the terrible, violent events taking place around the country recently.
Habinteg’s core value is inclusion. We respect all tenants and colleagues and believe that everyone should feel safe to go about their daily life without fear of aggression, intimidation or attack.
These hateful incidents will be deeply concerning and worrying to customers and colleagues alike and we want all tenants and staff to know that Habinteg stands firmly against racism, discrimination and abuse of any kind. We will take action against any tenant who perpetrates such acts, whether against staff, tenants or other members of the public.
Habinteg’s Tenancy Agreement, Reasonable Behaviour Policy and our Anti-Social Behaviour and Hate Crime policy set out our zero-tolerance approach.
If you have any concerns about such behaviour near where you live, please speak to a member of our Neighbourhood Team who will support you to make a report under the ASB and Hate Crime Policy.
However, if you witness or are the subject of any verbal threats or physical aggression, please call the Police immediately on 999 and head for a safe place if you can .
Finally, I ask you to please look out for one another during these troubling times, check in on any friends or neighbours that you think may be struggling. Our Habinteg community can make a difference by showing the kindness and unity which will ultimately prevail.
Nick Apetroaie
Chief Executive