New government data reveals accessible homes crisis for disabled people | Latest news

New government data reveals accessible homes crisis for disabled people

New data published from the government reveals the proportion of homes in England which are accessible and adapted for disabled and older people. The statistics published yesterday from the English Housing Survey 2018/19 reveal: 

  • Only 9% of homes in England have key accessibility features to deem them ‘visitable’ (an increase from 5% in 2005) 
  • 57% of wheelchair users are living in adapted homes
  • Over 400,000 wheelchair users are living in homes which are neither adapted nor accessible, according to Habinteg’s estimate* 


Commenting on the figures, Habinteg CEO Sheron Carter, says:  

“Whilst it's encouraging to see the proportion of homes with basic accessibility features increasing to 9% from 5% in 2005, it’s clear that the total proportion of homes which are accessible is still woefully inadequate. That’s why the government must change the regulation to ensure all new homes being built are accessible for older and disabled people.” 

Kerry Thompson, a wheelchair user and Habinteg tenant from Milton Keynes, who met this week with the Housing Minister, adds: 

“Living in an accessible home myself, I know first-hand how vital they are for a disabled person like me. Accessible and adapted homes help alleviate pressures on health and social care services and budgets. They enable greater independence at home and speed up hospital discharges. This is crucial at a time when our NHS and Social Care provision is already under enormous strain. I hope this new data urges the government to launch a new consultation into accessible housing standards.” 

You can find the full the full English Housing Survey 2018: accessibility of English homes – fact sheet here

* based on the number of wheelchair users with accessible homes and subtracting from total amount of wheelchair users in England

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